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A brilliant sky, sunset pastel, golden grain sways amid breeze.  
Family of six makes way for a photo, cute outfits, not picked with ease.
Relief for the parents-no wee ones in tow-4 kids, adolescent to teens.
“Hooray!”  We both think, not a tantrum in sight, all calm as our family convenes.
New pet in our tribe young ebony lab-named Luna- who’s ever so sweet.
Explores golden fields as we amble nearby to unload photographers jeep.
Now, in formation, with hands placed just so  camera lens, our eyes did meet.
“Smile, now kids it’s time to hold pose, our puppy will soon join this feat.”

1, 2, 3 click!  “How simple,” we thought  “time won’t be wasted today!

“Let’s get another,”  and just as we tried the dog began heading our way.

From 100 yards Luna ran at full speed,  she sure is cute when she plays.

But wait!  From the distance  a sight to behold her fur just does not look the same.

Had that dog rolled in mud?   Is that what I see? My heart skipped a beat and I froze.

Crazed look in her eyes, tongue flapping with speed there must be something she knows.

“Oh Crap” ‘s what I said,  “she is covered in mud- brace yourselves she’s getting too close!”

Twasn’t mud she had found where the horses had trod the sharp smell of it just hit our nose.


Too late to retreat, I smacked her away, hand now covered from hit.

Twasn’t mud she had found  where the horses had trod now my hand’s all covered!  “You twit!”

But the show must go on more photos to take, “Stay together!  Now come back and sit!”

Then again we did see  the dog circling back to join us all covered in it.


My husband, he scolded, told her, “Just stay away!”   She ran to the trunk left ajar.

The photographer’s ride,  from unloading for us, was calling to her  from afar.

My husband is fast, but not fast enough that dog jumped right into her car.

To the back she did leap, then over the seat. Good heavens!  What more could she mar?

Crazed look in her eye  how she wanted to kiss my sweet husband for letting her out.

He dodged from her leap then scolded again  “Get away from here dog!” Was his shout.

She ran far then came near then again ran away then laid on the ground to pout.

Confused and forlorn but still caked in crap her paws sadly covered her snout.


Neither water, nor wipes,  nor rags for my hand, so I smeared it on leaves and on grass.

“That dog . . oh that dog!  Why brought we the dog?!!!” Yet, I tried  to be civil . . . have class.

For our kids were all here  to witness the scene– I didn’t go postal, alas.

Photographer giggled, near choked on her gum, she seemed to be having a blast!


We’ve managed to laugh at that craptastic day and the dog that we got from the pound.

Though stunted from hunger she’s our puppy now  and her heart full of love we have found.

She just wanted to share of her joy on that day  when in the feces she’d rolled all around.

She’s ours and we love her  come mud or come crap so forgiveness will abound.


Pictures that day  a comical mess but really, it worked in the end.  

Families forgive, they forgive every day and a helping hand they will lend.

The love of a family, though crap inter-mixed, is the love that all enmity ends.

It’s a beautiful sight, in a beautiful mess, as together their way they do wend.


A Beautiful Mess

March 13, 2018

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